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Thursday 31 July 2014

Lailatul Qadr- Odd or even nights?

Bismillahi wal Hamdullillah Was Salaatu Was Salaamu ‘Alaa Rasoolillahi
Ammaa ba’d:
Now that the last ten days of Ramadhaan are upon us there is an issue that often time comes up during ramadhaan related to the affair of lailatul qadr. What is commonly known is that one should look for it during the last ten nights on the odd nights, since many texts indicate that.
There is a group of scholars though, who hold that it is possible to occur on an even night and they site texts that indicate that. From those scholars we have the statement of Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taimiyah – Rahimahullahu ta’ala.
Shaikhul Islaam states (after being asked about Lailatul Qadr):
” Ahamdullillah lailatul Qadr is in the last ten nights of the month of ramadhaan, this is how it has authentically occured from the messenger – Sallallahu alaihi was salam that he said:
“It is in the last ten days of Ramadhaan“
and it is in the odd nights.
The odd nights though, are viewed in respect to that which has passed (from the month), thus one seeks out the 21st and the 23rd and the 25th and the 27th and the 29th.
It is also sought from a point of view of what remains (from the month). Just as the Prophet – Sallallahu alaihi Was salam said (In the Hadeeth of Abu Bakarah – Radhiyallahu anhu):
“(seek it) on the ninth of the nights remaining of ramadhaan, the seventh of the nights remaining of Ramadhaan, the fifth of the nights remaining of ramadhaan, the third of the nights remaining of ramadhaan“
(Collected by Imaam Abu Dawood At Tayaalisi (922 – Turki print) and tirmidhi and declared ‘Saheeh bu Shaikh Naasir in Saheeh Sunan At Tirmidhi (636))
Based upon this, if it is a 30 day month, then that will occur on even nights, and the 22nd night will be the 9th of the nights remaining from ramadhaan, the 24th will be the 7th of the nights remaining from ramadhaan (and so on). This is how Abu Sa’eed Al Khudhri explained it in an authentic hadeeth. And thus the Prophet -Sallallahu alaihi was salam established the month in this way.
If (however) the month is of 29 days, (as lunar months often are) then the remaining days (as it relates to them falling on odd or even nights) will be the same as the past (days).
Therefore if this is the case it is befitting that the believer seeks it out in all of the (nights of the) last ten..”
(Majmoo’ul Fataawaa 25/284-285)
Thus according to this last hadeeth and explanation of shaikhul Islaam it is as though one is counting the last nine nights down from the 22nd in a 30 day month or the 21st in a 29 day month.
Therefore reflecting upon this statement of shaikhul Islaam we see that whether the month has 29 or 30 days, the month always has ten complete last days. If the month is of 30 days then the last ten begins on the 21st night, but if the month is of 29 days then the last ten begins on the 20th night. This is in respect to what has passed of the month. Then if one looks at the month from a point of view of ‘that which remains’ (as occurs in the second hadeeth) then the ninth of the nights remaining from ramadhaan in a 30 day month falls on the 22nd night, while the ninth of the nights remaining from ramadhaan in a 29 day month falls on the 21st night.
If this is understood then it becomes clear that lailatul qadr may possibly fall on an even night just as it may possibly fall on an odd night though it is most likely to fall on an odd night as occurs in the popular hadeeth.
Thus it is possible that laylatul qadr could fall on an even night.
Perhaps this may shine some light upon the following hadeeth that discusses the qur’aan being revealed from the lawh al Mahfooh to the lowest heavens on laylatul Qadr.
Upon the authority of waathilah Ibnil Asqa’ from the Prophet – Sallallahu alaihi Was Salam who said:
“The scrolls of Ibraaheem were revealed on the first night of the month of ramadhaan, and the tauraat was revealed on the 6th day of Ramadhaan. The Injeel was revealed on the 13th day of Ramadhaan and the zaboor on the 18th day of Ramadhaan and the Qur’aan was revealed on the 24th of Ramadhaan“
(Collected by Tabaraani and Baihaqi and declared ‘Hasan’ by Shaikh Al Albaani in Saheehul Jaami’ (1497))
and since Allah the most high says:
“Indeed we have sent it (this Qur’aan) down in the night of Qadr“
(Suratul Qadr Vs 1)
Wallahu A’lam

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